When implementing a CRM strategy is fundamental to review how your organization is working. The main subject to focus on will always be the customer. We will want to check each sector and think how do customers relate to it, what do they bring and what do the organization give in return, how to improve this, and so on.
I’m sure most of this analysis will bring suggestions and new ideas to do changes in your processes and how do you work (how do you record meetings, phone calls, emails) and even in the way we communicate with customers (implementation of quality service surveys, additional personal information records). It is only logical that most of this changes will be faced with resistance from many of your organization team members.
This is why is very fundamental to always consider the major human factor always present in any project. One of the success factor in any CRM project will be tied to our skills to put teams on our side. If we are successful in including them with the attention they deserve, making them part of the project, always making training tools available to them, we will be able to mitigate this risk and shrink it to the point where it is manageable.
Resistance to change, the new (and fear) are feelings deeply tied to the fact of being human that we will not be able to completely eliminate. But when you consider this as challenges part of the project we will be able to have much more probabilities to end up with a successful CRM project implementation.
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