Social Media Analytics: Bell Let’s Talk 2017

Two weeks ago I started the second semester of the Masters in Data Science program and as part of it I am taking a course in Social Media Analytics. The first lab assignment for this course was on January 25 and the objective is to analyze Bell Let’s Talk social media campaign. Using a proposed tool called Netlytic (a community-supported text and social networks analyzer that automatically summarizes and discovers social networks from online conversations on social media sites) created by the course’s professor Dr. Anatoliy Gruzd I downloaded a tiny slice of #BellLetsTalk hashtagged data and created this super simple Power BI dashboard.

I have been wanting to play with Power BI’s Publish to Web functionality for quite some time and thought this was a great chance to give it a cool use. The data was exported from Netlytic as three CSV files and then imported into Power BI desktop. With the desktop tool I created a couple of simple measures (Total number of tweets and posts, Average number of tweets and posts per minute and so on) and then some simple visualizations.

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Introduction to KNIME

KNIME is one of the many open source data analytics and blending tools available for free online.

This is a very basic presentation about KNIME I did at one of the labs as part of a Data Mining course in the Masters in Data Science and Analytics program at Ryerson University. The tool is really great and I ended up using it as the main analytics tool to deliver the final project for the same course.

Implementing a TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency) index with Python in Spark


As part of the final exam assignment for my Masters in Data Science course “DS8003 – Management of Big Data Tools”, I created a Big Data TF-IDF index builder and query tool. The tool consists a script with functions to create a TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency) index and it is then used it to return matching queries for a list of terms provided and number of results expected.

Features Summary

  • Developed with PySpark, SparkSQL and DataFrames API for maximum compatibility with Spark 2.0
  • Documents to build the TF-IDF index can be on a local or HDFS path
  • Index is stored in parquet format in HDFS
  • Query terms and number of results are specified via command line arguments/li>

Continue reading “Implementing a TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency) index with Python in Spark”